

545 Uppsatser om CLD - Causal Loop Diagram - Sida 1 av 37

Samrådsunderlag för Lysekilsprojektet : Forskning och utveckling av vågkraft

The aim of this research is to find out what environmental impact a wave power park has on the Swedish west coast by creating a consultation paper (?Samrådsunderlag?) for the Lysekilproject at Uppsala University. To highlight the complexity of the problem a system analytic approach was used and illustrated by a Causal Loop Diagram.The overall assessment of the Lysekilprojects wave power park at the Swedish west coast is that it will have a low impact on the environment. This is due to the relative small size of the wave power park and some technical solutions made with the environmental aspect in mind. Artificial reefs and a sanctuary for marine species are effects created by the wave power park and in the longer term the impact will give access to an untapped source of renewable energy, wave energy.

Förtroende och tillväxt - det kausala sambandet

In this essay I examine the causal relationship between confidence in institutions and growth in Sweden 1989-2002. By examining the causal relationship between these two variables, valuable indicators of the causal relationship between trust and growth can be obtained. The institutions which are used in this essay are chosen according to the theory on institutions for public administration building trust and social capital. The chosen institutions are primary schooling, the police and medical service. A Granger causality model is used to measure the causal relation and the results from the tests show that there is no causal relationship between growth and confidence in institutions.

Modellering och simulering av hydraulik för användning i hardware-in-the-loop

Modeling and simulation is growing ever more important in the development of new products. This thesis describes the use of Hopsan for hydraulic modeling and its use in conjunction with Simulink with the intent of using the model in a hardware-in-the-loop setup. A sensor layer has been created in Simulink to emulate all the internal sensors in a modern forklift. The details of using legacy C-code instead of a hardware MCU for a fully simulated environment, software-in-the-loop has been outlined. There are two major routes one can follow implementing software-in-the-loop, exporting the C-functions to CAPL via a export layer or creating an s-function in Simulink.

Strategier i Förvärv : Är det där skon klämmer?

Bakgrund: Med bakgrunden av företags behov att utvidga sin verksamhetssfär, har företagsförvärv blivit alltmer frekventa och mer omfattande. Speciellt i branscher med snabb utveckling såsom IT-branschen, är detta av aktualitet. Med förvärvsvågors uppkomst, har även ett stort antal av dessa förvärv resulterat i misslyckande snarare än expansion. Förklaringen till detta är mångfaldig och kopplas till områden kring före, under och efter förvärvet. Det som förväntas av ett förvärv, är synergieffekter, det vill säga förmågor av förvärvsobjektet som bidrar positivt till moderbolagets verksamhet.

Studie samt reglering av luft- och massflöde för en barkpanna

This report treats two assignments that concerns the biofuel furnace at Billerud Skärblacka AB and how these assignments were solved. The assignments were: reducing the number of CO-spikes and tuning the overfire air control loop. To reduce the number of CO-spikes the possibility that skewness in mass distribution affects the number of CO-spikes were study. The skewnwss of mass distribution was controled and adjusted with two experiments. The conclusion that was made is that the skewness of mass distribution were not sufficient enough to affect the number of CO-spikes.

Evaluering av en Klockkorrigerare av klockpulsbredd

Det här examensarbetet presenterar en evaluering av en Klockkorrigerare av klockpulsbredd. Den består främst av en korrigerare av klockpulsbredd (Duty Cycle Corrector DCC) och även en fördröjningslåst loop (Delayed Locked Loop DLL). Det finns många olika korrigerare av klockpulsbredden designade förut, de två populäraste arkitekturerna då har varit enkel eller dubbel återkopplings loop. Den huvudsakliga skillnaden mellan dem är att enkel återkopplings loop använder sig av en öppen loop medan den dubbla varianten istället har en stängd loop. I det här projektet kommer en ny arkitektur att presenteras.

Optimering av prestanda och utnyttjande av flertrådsteknik

The purpose of this thesis was to help the company Medius AB with optimization of selected parts in an existing system to minimize the execution time by implementing multithreading. The idea was to manipulate the code so that calculations could be executed at the same time. The main work in this thesis consisted of three optimizations. The first one was to reconstruct a big ?for-loop? so it would execute every loop's work in an own thread. The second optimization also was a reconstruct of a ?for-loop? so it could execute the work in different threads. The third and last optimization consisted of reconstructing a stored procedure on the database, so different parts of it each could be executed in an own thread to create data at the same time. To implement the optimizations Visual Basic .NET and its support for multithreading and connection-pools was used. The result of the optimizations meant that one of the modules could be executed more efficiently and it was 12 % faster. The other modules execution time was more efficient by 25 % faster. The meanings and requirements for this thesis are fulfilled by now letting the system make use of its resources in a better way..

Att leda förändring från mellanskiktet : -       En kvalitativ intervjustudie om första linjens ledares upplevelser av att leda en förändringsprocess

Första linjens ledares roll har under de senaste åren blivit mer ansvarskrävande. Vad är då viktigt för ledare i denna position då det kommer till att åstadkomma förändring? Finns det några utmaningar första linjens ledare stöter på? Denna studie syftar till att belysa första linjens ledares upplevelse av att leda en förändringsprocess. Två frågeställningar skapades; ?Vad anser första linjens ledare som viktigt i sitt ledarskap för att kunna åstadkomma förändring?? samt ?Vilka utmaningar möter första linjens ledare i en förändringsprocess??.

Hur påverkar byggnadsmaterial av stål en induktiv hörslingas fältstyrka samt frekvensgång?

This research analyzed differences in measurements of magnetic field strength and frequency response in five audio induction loops installed in rooms of wooden construction materials and five audio inductive loops installed in rooms of steel reinforced concrete constructions. The inductive loops were installed at floor level and the measurements were made at the listening height of 1.2m. Measurements of background noise, field strength and frequency response were made at fifteen different measurement points across the room. The research measurements showed that there are differences in field strength and frequency response between these two conditions, whether the audio induction loop is installed in a wooden construction or the audio induction loop is installed in a reinforced concrete construction. The results had a significance level of p=0,05..

Ursäkta, var är toaletten? Patienters upplevelse av att få en tillfällig loop-ileostomi nedlagd efter rektalcancerbehandling

Introduction: Reversal of a temporary loop-ileostomy is the final step after a long treatment for rectalcancer, an event that the patient has been looking forward to for a long time. Studies have shown that patients often have a significant impact on the bowel function after reversal of the stoma.Aim: To describe how the patient experienced the first time at home after reversal of a temporary loop-ileostomy due to rectalcancer. Method: Qualitative semi-structured interviews, with 15-20 patients who have undergone reversal of a temporary loop-ileostomy due to rectal cancer, will be conducted. The interviewes will be analysed using qualitative content analysis according to Graneheim & Lundman (2004). The patients will be recruited from the colorectal unit at Sahlgrenska University hospital/Östra and from the surgical unit at Kungälvs hospital.

De första på plats: En fallstudie av entreprenörers resonerande vid etablering på en ung marknad

One of the areas in which current theory on entrepreneurship is ambiguous is in the explanation of how entrepreneurs act when entering a new market. One author that has attempted to contribute in this area is Saras D. Sarasvathy who has tried to explain the entrepreneurs reasoning through the theory of causation and effectuation. The former refers to a reasoning that takes the effect of an entrepreneurial action as given, while the latter looks upon the effects as uncertain, while only the means are given. With a foundation in this theory, Sarasvathy claims that when entrepreneurs enters a new market the level of environmental uncertainty is so high that reasoning based on causal relationships is rendered useless.

Diskkrypteringsprestanda i GNU/Linux

This thesis compares the impact on disk performance in a GNU/Linux  environmentwith three encryption algorithms: AES,  Serpent and Twofish in three different implementations: DM-crypt, Loop-AES and Truecrypt. For all three algorithms a key length of 256 bits is used.The thesis shows that the least performance impact during data encryption, and thus file writing, is reached by using AES or Twofish encryption implemented in DM-crypt or TrueCrypt. The thesis shows that some data operations with a sufficiently low processor utilization barely affects disk performance at all if encrypted using the optimal implementation and algorithm.It is also discovered that the performance impact during data decryption, or file reading, can be minimized by using the most efficient implementation and algorithm. The best results are met with the AES or Twofish cipher, regardless of implementation.An important conclusion that  is  drawn is that it is hard to determine a superior encryption solution for all purposes. However, by reviewing and examining the collected data from all aspects of disk performance the AES implementation in TrueCrypt is, with small marginals, determined to be the most optimal..

Hönan eller ägget? Orsakssamband mellan utveckling av banksektorn och ekonomisk tillväxt? : Studie av de nordiska ländernas banksektorer och ekonomiska tillväxt

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the causal relationship between bank sector development and economic growth in four Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway).Method: Our thesis is based on a quantitative method. The study consists of a compilation and analysis of key financial indicators that represent economic growth and bank sector development. A Granger causality test has been conducted on the time series in order to measure the causal link between economic growth and bank sector development.Theoretical framework: The study is based on the theory of endogenous growth and the causal relationship between bank sector development and economic growth also known as the demand following and supply leading hypothesis. Results: The results of the four countries are ambiguous. Except for Denmark, that follows the supply leading hypothesis, the remaining countries do not show a unanimous result..

????Att lösa reglertekniska problem med Modelica

Modelica is a multi-domain and equation-based modeling language. Modelica is based on object-oriented principles and non-causal modeling. The language is constructed to facilitate reuse and decompose models. The models and the modellibrary can modified to design a new nonlinear components.Object-oriented modeling is an excellent way to analyze and study large complex heterogeneous physical systems. The object-oriented modeling approach build on reusing and decomposition of models and non-causal modeling.Modeling physical systems often leads to a DAE system with index 2 or 3.

UML i teori och praktik

Abstract During object-oriented system development, programming should be preceded by analysis and design to assure that the system fulfils the demands of the customer and simplify during the development phase and documentation. When modeling the analysis and design phases, several different notations may be used. One of these is the UML (Unified Modeling Language) which this thesis will cover. The aim is to compare the use of the UML i practice versus what is said in the literature. The investigation is built upon interviews at different companies to receive their reflections about the UML.

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